Tuesday, 31 May 2016


Aye!the One who stays above us all
Creator of us and everything we see
Let me narrate what my eyes can see
In this worthless world where i don't wanna be

What i simulate are some worn out thoughts
Blissful faces that turned into naught 
A stream of tears with perpetual flow
And empty hopes for the future to glow 

People obsessed by the fear of sins 
Pursuit of good deeds observed in a glimpse 
And some people's refuge is a euphoric state 
A glass of wine and some cigarettes they have 

Sharp fangs of fawners behind their smiles 
Dreadful voices i hear from miles 
Hiding of sighs behind every laugh
Swift sailing ships and 7 seas to cross

There's a lot more that i can't narrate 
Cos if I do so you will accuse my fate
But if happiness exists i can't catch it's sight 
Or you haven't blessed this world with it's light 


  1. A complete picture of a lost soul, whose mind is so full of complaints but whose heart is still hopeful and looking for help from its creator..
    And also shows the immensely conflicted inner turmoil of the soul..

  2. Ohhhh i realy liked it.. Thumbsup..:-)

  3. I thought this kind of poetry will make people uneasy or they may dislike it but these are the things this world is full of.
    And thanks once again :)

  4. That's lovely. But what I believe is that if we learn why we were created by our creator. The life will become easy.

  5. Like i said this kind of poetry may not be applaused ;)

  6. I understand ur point of view and really enjoyed reading it's every sentence specially ......empty hopes for the future to glow.
